venerdì 17 ottobre 2008

Something You Should Try: La Piadina, and Novità!

because its taste, compared to the industrial supermarket piadina, is just worth the effort. a rather small effort, actually.
la piadina is a typical italian not risen bread, to be cooked on a plate and eated with cheese, salami... and anything else you'd like. i like it with feta cheese, grilled aubergines (eggplants^^), garlic and origan. the one in the picture is grilled, because i like the feeling of grilled bread under my teeth, but you can also use a big non-stick frying pan.
it is just the practical dinner when you have friends over to watch a movie, because the use of kitchenware is not mandatory, and because you will make carnivores and vegetarians happy, just by changing the filling :)

La Piadina
(makes 4)

you're home late, but happy, as usual. clean your kitchen table and start kneading 400gr of flour, a spoon of bicarbonate, 13gr of salt and 13gr of olive oil with mh, as much warm water as needed to obtain an elastic and olive oil scented dough. yes, you're done. leave it rest while you take a shower (10 min). now divide the dough in four parts and use a rolling pin to stretch them round and thin. the dough is very easy to work with, it is almost impossible to make holes! while waiting your friends, pile the 4 piadine separating them with baking sheets. and now that they're there, cook the piadine one at a time, until the sides look like in the picture. if you want, while cooking he second side you can already fill the piadina with some cheese and let it melt slightly in the hot of the pan. now add the filling you prefer and fold the piadina in two.

e ora, le novità!
dopo un mese di blog e quasi una ricetta al giorno, ho deciso di iniziare a scrivere le ricette anche in italiano :) la scelta del solo inglese era semplicemente una fase "sperimentale", per testare la mia motivazione a tenere un blog e per scoprire se le mie ricette interessassero a qualcuno :)


La Piadina
(per quattro)

come al solito, torni a casa dal lavoro tardi, ma soddisfatto. ora è tempo di staccare pero': inizia a impastare 400fr di farina con un cucchiaino di bicarbonato, 13gr di sale e 13gr di olio e acqua quanto basta. impasta fino ad ottenere una pasta compatta ed elastica. ecco, hai già finito. lascia riposare il tuo impasto per dieci minuti. ora forma 4 palline di uguali dimensioni e stendile sottili con un mattarello. scalda una padella antiaderente e cuoci le piadine 2 minuti per lato. aggiungi il ripieno che preferisci e gustale ancora belle calde. io le adoro con melanzane grigliate, feta, aglio e origano.

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