lunedì 1 dicembre 2008

November Apple Pie

and here we go with the november apples! this is not a real pie, since it is made with puff pastry instead of the usual pie pastry, but it is a classic of my childhood... actually, the best my mum managed to come up with in her old lazy cooking days :) in her defense, i will admit she's a much better cook now...

My Mum's Apple Pie
(adapted by daughter's taste at the moment of baking)

mix together: two sliced apples and two spoons of honey. now add whatever you feel it tastes good with apples and autumn: sultanas, pine kernels, cinnamon, cardamom, almonds... and two big spoons of breadcrumbs. fill the baking tin covered of puff pastry, cover the filling with another circle of puff pastry and bake in oven for half an hour at 180degrees.

La Torta di Mele della Mamma
(adattata ai gusti estemporanei della figlia)

mescolare insieme due mele e due cucchiai di miele. poi aggiungere uvetta, pinoli, cannella, mandorle, cardamomo, e altri ingredienti a piacere che stiano bene con le mele. in ultimo, aggiungere due cucchiai di pangrattato. coprire uno stampo da crostata con un cerchio di pasta sfoglia, riempire con il ripieno e coprire con un altro cerchio di sfoglia. cuocere in forno a 180 gradi per una mezz'oretta.

November Menus

yes, i noticed it's the first of december. the fact is that writing a "december menu" would immediately lead to writing about a christmas menu, and i'm sooo not ready for that jet. so let me play with time and go to sleep with the illusion that this year is not coming to an end, just for one more day, just for a couple of delicious more posts

Chickpeas and Pumpkin

veryvery easy: gently fry one onion in some live oil. salt. add 400gr of fresh pumkin, the chickpeas (previously let rest in water for one night) and half liter of stock. let cook for 20 minutes, or until the stock is evaporated. in the meantime, fry 100gr of bacon until the fat gets transparent. add to the chickpeas before serving, together with some sage leaves.

Ceci e Zucca

soffriggere una cipolla e salare. aggiungere mezzo litro di brodo e far cuocere 400gr di zucca e 300gr di ceci (pesati da secchi) fatti riposare in acqua per una notte. lasciare bollire per circa 20 minuti. a parte, far soffriggere 100gr di pancetta a cubetti fino a che il grasso non diventa trasparente. aggiungere ai ceci, insieme a qualche foglia di salvia. salare e pepare in abbondanza.